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Actuarial Post May 2024

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Added: 30 May, 2024 Last updated: 30 May, 2024 Category: Magazines No. of pages: 26
Description: With Rishi Sunak calling for a summer election, I wonder how this may affect the pensions policy agenda. It has left us wondering when or if last year’s Mansion House policy issues will pass into legislation. Indeed, TPR planned to lay the new funding code in June to enable it to come into effect for the September implementation date, this now seems extremely unlikely. Other issues will become clearer once we all know who will be forming the next Government and how their policies may or may not affect pensions. This month’s cover story is from WTW’s Matthew Edwards and Arlen Galacia on how life insurers are leveraging the power of generative AI to revolutionise the entire value chain. And in a WTW double bill we have another article, examining Life insurance, from Niamh Carr on the greatest challenges facing Chief Risk Officers in 2024. As per usual our regular columnists give their insights into various areas of our industry from Dale Critchley at Aviva looking at cutting your retirement cloth to fit your pension to Alex White examining surplus sharing options for DB schemes. We look forward to welcoming you back next month when we may have a new Government or not as the case may be.
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